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Representative Greeting



Countries with "human resources" have been powerful. That why  the human resources is the most important factor for the development the nation. Knowledgeable people can use that knowledge to create modern materialism as well as great wealth. Human is a "special resources" and the most important source of economic development.
We believe that the development of human resources is a boost to the education sector, because education is the most important factor in the economic development of each country.
Cambodia is a country with a considerable population, especially young people (middle-aged people) who are said and assessed as an age of hard work and active livelihood. I think young people are important for the social and economic development of Cambodia because Cambodia is a developing country and therefore needs highly capable and knowledgeable human resources to compete on the international stage.
Currently, Japan is facing a shortage of manpower in almost all sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, industry and services.
MEY YORN SERVICES Co.,Ltd.(M.Y.S)was established in 2005. And sent Cambodian workers to Thailand and Malaysia as well. Responding to Japan's shortage on 16th January 2018, our company also received a certificate to send trainees to Japan for vocational training to acquire technology skills from Japan and bring those skill apply back to home countries. We also have job guidance services for trainees who returning to Cambodia. Japan is one of the leading countries in human resource development in Asia and at the same time recognized as an economically advanced country. Because the rate of elder has increased Birth rates have dropped, so Japan is facing a shortage of human resources to work in almost every sector. That is a good opportunity and an important market that Japan is providing opportunities for young Cambodians. MEY YORN SERVICES Co.,Ltd.(M.Y.S) will provide good quality human resources with potential to Japan companies. Trainee who have completed technical courses in Japan and returned to Cambodia are an excellent resource to contribute to the develop economic of Japan and Cambodia.

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About Us

1. Overview

  • Company name         MEY YORN SERVICES Co.,Ltd.(M.Y.S)

  • Address                     # 359, Street K4A, Sangkat Ou Baek'am, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

  • TEL                           (+855) -17-366-626 / (+855)-96-795-9200/ (+855)-96-218-7653

  • Mail                 

  • President's name       NHEM CHAKRYA

  • Capital 100,000 USD (about 1 million yen)

21 February 2005             Established operating cooperation MEY YORN SERVICES CO., LTD

​                                          Addition of President and CEO MEY YORN (Sending to Thailand and Malaysia)

                                         Training institution NHEM CHAKRYA person in charge

16 January  2018              Started sending out specific skills and technical intern trainees to Japan

                                         Addition of President and CEO MEY YORN

22 April 2022~Present   President and CEO  NHEM CHAKRYA  


2. Business content


Japanese language school, domestic personnel introduction, sending institution business


  • Technical Intern trainees and sending out specific skills

  • Temporary staffing in Cambodia and Japan

  • Work visa in Japan

  • Interpretation and translation


3. Business purpose

Develop human resources to achieve their dreams and goals by "providing schools for young people who want to study and providing workplaces for young people who want to work" around the world. We will also provide various humanitarian assistance to children who meet Difficulties around the world as well.Their goal is to become a bridge between Japan and the world.



# 359, Street K4A, Sangkat Ou Baek'am,

Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

(+855)-17-366-626   (CEO)

(+855)-96-795-9200  (Service Support)

(+855)-96-218-7653 (Service Support)

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© 2022 by MEYYORN SERVICES CO., LTD. # 359, Street K4A, Sangkat Ou Baek'am, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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